What is the difference between dry skin and sensitive skin?

What is the difference between dry skin and sensitive skin?

What is the difference between dry skin and sensitive skin?

Two skin conditions we often encounter with customers. Dry skin and sensitive skin are two different characteristics that relate to the condition of the skin. Glowing and healthy skin is often the result of careful attention and the right skin care routine. How do I know what skin type I have and what care is required? We get this question a lot from our customers, so we are happy to explain it! Every skin is unique and requires different care for optimal results.

Dry skin

Dry skin is characterized by a lack of natural oils produced by the skin. Factors such as genetics, weather conditions, showering with too hot water, certain soaps and age can contribute to dry skin. Typical symptoms of dry skin include flaking, roughness, itching and sometimes even cracking of the skin.

Treatment tips for dry skin

  • Moisturize regularly with nourishing creams rich in essential oils.
  • Choose mild cleansers suitable for dry skin to preserve the skin's natural oils.
  • Use a tonic or a toner to give your skin an extra hydration boost.
  • Avoid prolonged showering with too hot water, this dries the skin.     
  • Don't turn the heater up too high, this will cause even dryer
  • Drink plenty of water during the day

Helpful ingredients for dry skin

  • Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, has anti-inflammatory properties and helps strengthen the skin barrier. It can improve moisture balance and soothe the skin.
  • Olive oil is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants, olive oil deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin. It also helps to restore the skin barrier and protect against moisture loss.
  • Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids, which moisturizes and protects the skin. It also helps restore the skin's lipid barrier.
  • Cocoa butter is a rich source of fatty acids and antioxidants. It melts to the skin and forms a protective layer that retains hydration and soothes dry skin.

Nourished Daily has developed a Dry Skin Face & Body Pack especially for anyone who suffers from dry skin. This zero-waste soap bar pack contains three natural cleansers to best care for dry skin.

 Nourished Daily Dry Skin Face & Body Pack

After using the cleansing soap bars, you can take care of your skin with the Daily Moisturizer and Daily Body Lotion. Do you suffer from a lot of flakes? Scrub yourself from head to toe with the Daily Face & Body Scrub. This results into nice smooth skin and leaves a nourishing moisturizing layer. 

Sensitive or Sensitized Skin

Sensitive or sensitized skin can react quickly and excessively to various external influences such as cosmetic products, temperature changes, food, pollen, and certain ingredients in skin care products. Heredity, exposure to irritants, allergies, and certain skin conditions can lead to sensitive skin. Symptoms of sensitive or sensitized skin can vary, they may include redness, irritation, itching, burning, eczema, or dermatitis. 

Tips for Sensitive or Sensitized Skin: 

  • Use hypoallergenic skin care products to avoid irritation.
  • Test new products on a small area of skin first, this is called a patch test.
  • Avoid well known irritants and allergens.
  • Adjust your diet for any allergens, you can always get  this tested.
  • Choose a silk pillowcase, this is disinfectant and gentle on your skin.
  • Try not to scratch.

Helpful ingredients for Sensitive or Sensitized Skin: 

  • Rosehip oil is rich in vitamin C and essential fatty acids. Rosehip oil has anti-inflammatory properties and helps soothe the skin. It also promotes regeneration of damaged skin cells.
  • Olive oil is soothing and moisturizing. It contains antioxidants that can soothe the skin and protect it from harmful external influences.
  • Coconut oil is known for its antimicrobial properties and moisturizing properties. It can soothe the skin and protect it from dehydration.
  • Oat oil to soothe inflamed and red skin and support skin barrier function. It is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids.

Nourished Daily has developed a Sensitive Skin Face & Body Pack especially for anyone who suffers from sensitive skin. This zero-waste soap bar pack contains three natural cleansers to best care for sensitive skin. 

Nourished Daily Sensitive Skin Face & Body Pack

Did you know that all Nourished Daily products are developed with sensitive skin in mind? So that anyone can use the brand on a daily basis, even people with sensitive skin and children as young as 6 months.

Although dry skin and sensitive skin represent different aspects of skin health, it is important to note that they can affect each other. For example, sensitive skin may be more prone to dryness and vice versa.

At Nourished Daily, taking care of your skin's unique needs is key. Whether you have dry skin, sensitive skin, or both. Discover the perfect balance with Nourished Daily and give your skin the care it deserves.

Do you have questions about your skin or any of the Nourished Daily products? Please contact us via web chat, email or InstagramOur team is happy to help you!

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